
14 main causes and solutions for blockages

14 main causes and solutions for blockages

Sewer blockages can be annoying, but if you understand what’s going on and deal with early, they are relatively easy to fix and you may be able to avoid more serious leaks, overflow or electrical damage. Τhe obstructive company –Αποφράξεις Αντωνίου– analyzes the 14 main causes that cause blockage in your drains.

Why drain pipes are blocked?

Here we will have to separate the 3 main points in our space where this is done and put the causes separately:

A. Obstructions in the kitchen

We have seen many times even in the news reports of fats that can cause huge public sewage blockages, resulting in sewage accumulating in homes and roads. What must definitely be put in the garbage basket and create blockages in the drains of the kitchen are:

  1. Fat And Oil. The bad habit of throwing cooked oil from potatoes into the sink is one of the most serious problems. Fat from fats and oils can be a liquid when entering a drain, but it soon cools down there and will thicken quickly. It will become a sticky solid mass that clings to the walls of the pipes and attaches more waste to it. It’s a must for blockages in pipe drains and financial joy for all blockage companies. The solution is to use a fat trap (a disposable lined container) to drop used oils and fats. Alternatively keep a mini bucket in the kitchen for food waste – it’s healthy for both pipes and the planet!
  2. Hair of all shapes. Hair both human and pets are also important factors blocking the pipes. The simplest way to avoid blockages and blocking drains from hair creation is to install grids and filters on all your ducts. Especially in shower and bathroom ducts. A mesh in the kitchen sink will also trap food waste from washing. They are easy to clean – just make the habit of emptying them regularly.
  3. Coffee beans. Yes. ‘Cause there’s some wonderful coffee-based compounds, like organic glue. Coffee beans look like a harmless, free product to rinse in the sink. However, you may be surprised to learn that they are a high risk factor for blockages. Dispose of them – along with other food wastes, such as rice and pasta – in the food bin.
  4. Food residues from dishes and baking pans.
  5. Kitchen rolls and papers.

B.Obstructions in the toilet

  1. Makeup Cleaning Products
  2. Baby wipes
  3. Diapers
  4. Gypsum and bandages
  5. Tampons and applicators (plastics and cardboard)
  6. Sanitary and incontinence
  7. Razors
  8. Fibrous materials.
    Items such as wet wipes, dental floss, cotton and feminine hygiene items should be discarded in a bin and not rinsed in the toilet. They can easily get stuck in rough parts in drains and accumulate in possible blockages.
  9. Medicinal products and chemicals
    Engine oil, paints, battery fluids and solvents must be safely disposed of in accordance with local regulations. We should never be introduced into the water supply where they can damage our groundwater and be toxic to plants and wildlife. Return unused medicines to a pharmacist for safe disposal

C. Obstructions outdoors

It goes without saying that you should always try to keep the ducts in your yard free from leaves, foliage, branches, stones or other garden waste that could enter the drain and cause blockages. Regularly sweeping your garden, and using compost for leaves is a way to prevent the blockage of these ducts and piping. It is also advisable to check regularly if you have an external cesspool, its height.

Monthly maintenance and cleaning of cesspools must be done on time. If blockages are often made and you take care of all of the above then you may need to seek help from a specialized obstruction company- Αποφράξεις Αντωνίου-. Because the problem may be mechanical (poor gravity of the pipes) to identify the cause and relieve the blockage.

There are some techniques that a drainage expert will use. Such as including the use of CCTV i.e. piping control camera. (see and article blockages with camera) to thoroughly look at the blockage company and locate the difficult and inaccessible points of the sewer to see what has prevented the flow of water. Professional obstructionists can also advise you on what to do in the future to prevent this from happening again.

Tips for maintaining clean drains

Train your family on what is safe and unsafe to dispose of in the drain pipes. It is also a good idea to use some simple regular cleaning procedures.

  1. A handful of baking soda in the drain. Followed by a kettle of hot (not boiled) water, it will help dissolve and relax any fats that have started to accumulate.
  2. A cup of vinegar will act the same way.
  3. Buy for your home pipe spiral blockage. A long, flexible tool – to remove accumulations and disconnect the early accumulation.

Remember – Most blockages can be avoided. But if the drain pipes are blocked, quickly call for help from experts. The obstructive company –Αποφράξεις Αντωνίου– has a skilled workforce. It can handle all issues with blockages and offer a range of services related to blockages in your home. If you suffer from any of the above, call the They are the leading providers of sanitation inspections, unblocking services and repairs for residents, hotels and businesses throughout Athens and Attica.

Read more about blockages solutions: